Sunday, April 3, 2016

Marathon Training --- BUSTED. Week 7 & 8 was a WASH!

It's that time of the week again.  I'm linking up with Tricia and Holly
for their Weekly Wrap! 

I took a week off from the blog to sulk about my leg injury.  I know, pretty pathetic.  I was feeling up to my weekly diary post today and love linking up, so I'm all over the map with this entry.

NEVER GIVE UP.  My mantra during this crappy time.  Somehow three weeks ago, I injured myself.  No real "incident" but it forces me into a corner just 11 short weeks away from my first marathon. In my daily life, I'm very positive.  I have a zest for life and I love people.  I love running. 

Well, the mack-truck hit me with full force and that voice in my head said STOP!!  I knew that if I didn't completely stop running I would be even worse off. 

I made a mental note to completely stop all weight-bearing cardio until April 9th;  my next race. 10 miles.  That would make 15 days of complete rest.  Today is day 8 of rest.  Even thought I still have some "pain" or "weakness" on my inner thigh with pressure, I feel progress.  I'm keeping positive.   

Without intense cardio, the past few weeks, I have focused on areas that were lacking with my fitness.  I'm loving the pull up machine.  Some day I'll do one unassisted for sure.   I also purchased my very FIRST foam roller.  I know.... you're all mentally slapping me on the forehead like I'm in a V8 commercial.  Seriously, it's okay... hit me on the forehead.  After 4 YEARS of running.... I'm now FINALLY getting a foam roller. 

I do love it and everyone tells me it works wonders so I'm finally listening.  I focus on rolling my sore leg and stretching daily and I have promised myself to run even 5 minutes less to get a good stretch in before I head to work.

Instead of my early morning runs at 5AM, I'm now going to the gym and doing ellyptical and bike.  I don't have any selfies though because it's hard to get those in action, but I'm trying to keep some cardio up.  One perk of actually "going" to the gym is actually USING the gym.  I'm so used to getting outside that I now have the opportunity to use free weights and machines weekly that I've not focused on before.  And.. BONUS - I get my health care reimbursement because I can swipe my gym card. 

How many of you miss your reimbursements because you don't swipe enough times?

A few non-fitness related items the past few weeks.  My creative mother-in-law had a special bunny waiting for me at Easter this year.   She was complete with a headband, race bib and race watch!  She competed in the Bunny Hop 5K. 

I also had a parenting first this weekend.  Took a picture for photo documentation!  This is my 6-year old.

He is my difficult "listener."  I asked him to put his shoes on so that we could go to the store for my mantle project.  I always decorate my mantle for the seasons and holidays.  We were standing in the check-out line and I realized..... YUP!  He put on his shoes alright!! He was the talk of the all the ladies at Michael's and he felt pretty darn special.  I'm hoping this doesn't happen on the regular, but things could be worse and it definately makes for a great memory.

Here's the finished project.  My husband made the mirror for me this Fall and I love putting new wreaths on it for the seasons. 

That's all for the last two weeks.  Weeks 7 and 8 didn't get much running in.  I've ran a total of 15 miles in 14 days.  I'm focusing more on weight training and trying to focus my mind on NOT driving me crazy.

It's 11 weeks until I toe that starting line at Grandma's.  You better believe I'm going to be there! 


  1. I love this read and empathize with you. You're doing the right thing and being smart about it. I'm actually going out today to get a foam roller too!

    1. Thanks Frank! It sucks so bad. :( Hoping it just miraculously goes away without too much trouble.

  2. You've got plenty of time to get back on the plan! You're smart to let your injury calm down. I hope this time off is just the thing!

    1. I'm not a patient person though. I can feel it getting better day by day, but it feels like forever! Type A personality all the way!

  3. Do you think you could run in the pool? It provides excellent cardio and simulates real running better than any other activity. It got me to the start of the Disney Marathon (I couldn't run for 10 weeks). Just a suggestion. Hopefully you won't need it. The mantle is beautiful and the memory of your child...priceless. Also, I can't believe you didn't have a foam roller! Thanks for linking with us Gina.

    1. I'll take your virtual forehead bump for me being silly and "just" getting a foam roller!

  4. Love the picture of your son with 2 different shoes! :-) You can get back on track for sure!! Do you do any biking or Spin classes? It's a great way to keep the cardiovascular engine spinning when you are taking a break from running. Sending positive vibes your way, Have a Great Week!!!

    1. Thanks Angela. I haven't really ever done spinning at all - my problem is location of classes. I have access to elliptical and stationary so that's what I've been using. I definitely can tell it's not the same intensity, but I'm at least staying active. Thanks for the vibes!

  5. You definitely have plenty of time to get back into the swing of things when you return to running! In the meantime I think you're doing yourself a great service by focusing on other areas where you are weak. Come race day you'll be stronger overall!

    Your mantle looks great!!

    1. Thanks Meagan - my leg is feeling better every day. I just hope I 5 days when I run my 10 mile I don't revert back. :( Here's to hoping. I'll try to play it smart for sure!

  6. I know it can be hard but I think your doing exactly what your body needs right now. I love that your focusing on other things. So many of us throw in the towel when an injury rises, but not you! One of my goals too is to do one pull up just one!
    I smiled about the foam roller because I was in your shoes! I love my roller now and you'll be amazed at what took you so long! Thanks for linking up with us! :)

    1. Besides that the foam roller is so pretty I can put it on the shelf and it almost looks like a vase. :)

  7. I did go see the Sports med doc. Two more weeks of rest. I have to talk myself down when I'm starting to feel better because I want to run so bad! When can you run again???
