Hey there! Where the HECK have I been?!?
It has been FOREVER, one month to be exact, since I've written anything in my blog.
I've missed you all and I've missed writing so much!
Life has really gotten in the way and the first time-suck to go was blogging.
I mean that in the most loving way possible.
But let's face it... it's time-consuming to write often.
Gosh, so much has happened in the last month, I won't bore you with all of the details, but I'll fill you in a bit. My month of May was full of twists and turns and ups and downs.
It was filled with lots of this....
Some of this.....
And....... maybe a bit TOO much of this.....
I've also been plagued with yet ANOTHER injury. Seriously universe? You can stop anytime now please! More on that later, I'm on the mend.
The beginning of May, my husband and I traveled to Colorado ( our favorite place ) and Utah for a getaway alone. Fortunately, between both sets of our parents, we are able to travel with little worry about our two chicklets at home!
During our trip, I checked Colorado off my "states I've run" list. The 5500 ft. of elevation gain from my flat-land of Minnesota is no joke. The race went very well; as I finished my half-marathon in a time of 2:00:48. I was pretty darn happy with that because it's only about 5 minutes off a half PR for me and at elevation, I really couldn't complain.
Of course, we had to travel into the snowy mountains for an epic post-race pic! LOL
And... the medal is my favorite!
Strangely, and completely out of the blue, during the race, my knee decided to act a bit wonky. By the 11 mile water stop, I knew that I had to be done for the day. I was starting to develop a stabbing pain on the lateral side of my leg; IT band issues I'm certain. I pushed through the last 2 miles to the finish and pretty much collapsed at the finish line. My knee just said "FORGET IT, I'M DONE!"
Consequently, I've spent the better part of the last 3 1/2 weeks rehabbing my knee - and worrying, and rehabbing, and worrying, and crying. All of the above, incessantly. Isn't that what runners do??
My dream of a sub-4 hour Grandma's Marathon finish is looking pretty bleak. But, I haven't given up yet. You know when you see a sign from the universe that gives you a glimmer of hope in an ever so huge and overwhelming world? The kind that just stops you in your tracks?
Last week, this was my sign. Right out my front door. It was the most amazing rainbow I think I have ever seen. Of course this picture doesn't do it justice. But, I realized just how blessed my life is. After a few weeks of moping around, I came up with a plan to get to that Grandma's finish line.
The last few weeks, I have been focusing ALL of my energy into getting the knee stronger. I'm certain it's an IT band issue, and with rolling, stretching and strength training, it is slowly getting better. I've even been able to run pain free the last few runs!
Due to my increasing injury rate, I've also had to re-evaluate how I train. Up until a few weeks ago, I really have only been a runner. Logging mile after mile after mile. I love to run. I live to run. But, I'm not getting stronger. I'm not becoming a more efficient runner.
I've been contemplating joining the BeachBody ranks for a very long time now. I figured, no time better than the present. I'm loving my programs at my fingertips. I'm loving what Shakeology has done for my nutrition. Overall, I'm feeling better. PLUS - since starting the 21 day fix I'm down 4 1/2 pounds. Yeah Baby!
Just to celebrate, I did a little "Flex Friday" at the cabin this weekend. *Note: I may have had a bit too much of my favorite cocktail before taking this photo. I really can be a cheese-ball sometimes.
I'm conditioning and strengthening muscles I didn't even know existed. Shoulder push-ups? Who knew?! I guess having an injury isn't all that bad because it's forced me to focus my energy somewhere else.
As it stands right now, Grandma's Marathon is just 15 days away. I plan on having an absolute
BLAST in Duluth in two weeks. I have a plan of attack for my marathon finish and I will give it all I have. Trust me, I will drag myself across that finish line if I have to. Plus, I get to meet up with some other awesome people too!
Wendy you will be so SO missed.
Rachel and
Kim we are going to have so much fun!
When life throws lemons, I flex, flash a smile and make some lemonade - even though it may have RUM in it.