Week 3 of Grandma's Marathon training is a wrap!
28.6 miles
The Bachelor
The Bachelor
Chapped Cheeks & Chaffing
It's hard to believe I've already completed three weeks of training for Grandma's. In a little over three months, this will be my finish line view. It's beautiful! This year, I'm going to make sure I take a dip in Lake Superior at the finish line. Last year, I had a change of clothes with me at the finish and didn't do it. Silly me.
I skipped the hills and just opted to run a bit longer with my friend. The boys didn't have school so I had the luxury of not dropping them off. That meant a bit more time to run and a longer shower. It's the little things. I even shaved my legs! Lol
It was 51 degrees Monday morning, and clearly I dressed too warm. By mile two, my shirt came off and I donned the sports bra. This is something I would NEVER do during the daylight hours - but who's out of bed to see me running at 5 AM?
I've learned to embrace the sports bra a tad the last year, even though it brings me out of my comfort zone. I'm not by any means super happy with my mid-section, but I figure what the hell!?! If you care, don't look.
This day threw me for a loop. My training called for an easy run. I guess I don't know why I thought that my plan was the plan for the day with 3 other women running with me. Honestly, I could have stopped at any time, but this run quickly turned into a 6 mile progression tempo run. Something I was not planning, but it sure did feel good!
Because I wasn't prepared for the speed of this workout, I spent a good portion of the first three miles sucking wind and trying to catch up so that I wasn't left in the dust. The last three miles, I fell into a pretty good rhythm, even though I sounded like a hyena with my breathing.
I was pleasantly surprised that I ALMOST had negative splits. Dang it!! Had I been paying attention, I would have kicked it in just a tad the last mile!
7 seconds is all I would have needed to get mile 6 less than mile 5. Meh! Next time. Needless to say, I felt fantastic after this run! Absolutely fantastic!
Rest day! No running today. But about 15 minutes before the night kick-boxing class, I decided to give it a go. I just love kick-boxing and an early morning seminar that I had on Thursday prevented me from attending my normal class. I'm so happy I went.
I'm too embarrassed to ask someone to take a picture of me at kick-boxing so I never have any selfies. I'm going to have to get over that I think.
Treadmill tempo run. I rocked it out, but oh man - another toughy. Wow! I had 6 miles on plan, but only did 5 miles. 3 consecutive miles at 8:15/mile has been all I can muster. I probably should slow my speed down a tad to accomplish more miles at tempo, but my training plan calls for this pace to be closer to achieve the 4 hr. finish. I may need to modify a bit.
Two intense work-outs in a 10 hour period made me feel pretty dang bad-ass. We all can use a little bad-ass now and again can't we?
I do love my treadmill miles though because it allows me the time to watch mindless, ridiculous TV... and that would be the Bachelor!
For those of you that watch the Bachelor, I do feel dumb for watching it - but I.can't.stop! It's a sickness. But..... really, Nick?!?! Personally, I don't think Nick has any brains at all. He's a bit endearing with his cute goatee, but COME ON! At 37, you can't be that dumb??
At lease I'm working out when I watch a show that makes me more dumb. Lol! Not ashamed.
Total rest. Not even a push-up. I did however, eat... ALL...day. My mouth got a lot of exercise.
Saturday's long run was frigid cold. It was 7 degrees when I started and the wind chill was honestly brutal! My lips and cheeks were so red and chapped when I got done. I didn't wear a neck gator because I simply forgot what running in 7 degrees feels like.
Even with the wind and cold, I was still able to run a great 11.25 miles at 8:48/mile! I ran 7 miles with my running group and 4 miles solo. I pass this bridge often, but it's always dark, so I took the opportunity to take a photo at about mile 10. Actually, my phone was so cold, I couldn't see this picture because the screen was black. It still took a pretty decent picture though.
My marathon pace is 9:09/mile, so anything faster than that for my long run makes me pretty dang happy! I do have to figure out this chaffing thing though. I have been chaffing in all sorts of weird places - especially after my long runs.
Here's to hoping everyone has a great week ahead!
I'm linking up once again for the Weekly Wrap with Holly and Tricia. Be sure to check out more amazing blogs when you visit!